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Agregador de Contenidos Agregador de Contenidos


Departamento Científico-Tecnológico

Idioma actual: Inglés - Otros idiomas: Español


The Scientific-Technological Scope is developed in two courses: Level I and Level II with the following modules in each course:

To be able to approve the field, the corresponding modules of each level have to be passed. In person, it can be overcome if the modules have been approved quarterly or in a final exam in June, which will be no later than the previous day of the evaluation or in an extraordinary exam in September, which will include questions about the entire course.

In the modality of DISTANCE, called ESPAD, collective and individual tutorials of one hour per week are carried out, each one. All the information of the distance modality is collected in a booklet together with the other areas to be given to each student at the beginning of the course.

  • This course, in level I, the collective tutorials are Wednesdays from 6 pm to 7 pm and individual ones from 7 pm to 8 pm, and, in level II, the collective tutorials are Friday from 4 pm to 5 pm and individual ones from 5 pm to 6 pm.

You can see the contents and evaluation criteria of each of the levels in the links indicated above. And you can also access here the temporalization of distance contents of level I y de level II.

Teaching materials

Since the 16-17 course and the change of regulations in Secondary for adults, has stopped using textbooks and has begun to use in the Scientific-Technological Scope the virtual classroom. There is all the necessary material for the classes of the different modules.

In any case, as in other courses, a great part of the syllabus can be followed thanks to the textbooks of the scientific-technological level I and II of the Editorial Editex.

In addition, for the use of calculator, we recommend the new scientific calculator CASIO Classwiz FX-82SPX which has been specially designed to work in classrooms in Spain.


The initial teachings for adults are taught exclusively in face-to-face mode.

It consists of two levels, in Level I will be joined the subject of CCNN and Technology to the Social Scope.

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Matrícula de enseñanzas abiertas

Este curso académico tendremos las siguientes clases de Enseñanzas para el Desarrollo Personal y la Participación, también llamadas Enseñanzas Abiertas:

  • Inglés
  • Informática
  • Programación, Robótica e Impresión 3D

Tendremos varios grupos distintos tanto en Torrelaguna como en La Cabrera.

Desde el 18 de septiembre se aceptan preinscripciones y la matrícula estará abierta desde el 1 al 10 de octubre de 2017.

Para poder acceder a estos cursos, si la demanda es superior a la oferta, se matriculará a los alumnos según puntuación del baremo. Uno de ellos será la prueba de nivel voluntaria que tendrá lugar en las fechas señaladas en la información del curso. Puedes consultar el baremo completo en este enlace.