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Global Classrooms 2016

Un año más nuestros alumnos llegan a la final y reciben premio en la conferencia anual "Global Classrooms Model United Nations"

This year, 10 students from 3º ESO participated in the annual Global Classrooms Model United Nations conference at Las Acacias on 20 January. They had to represent different countries from around the world as they debated different global topics. The students did a fantastic job, and IES José Saramago was one of 18 schools (out of the 73 schools that participated) chosen to advance to the next round of the conference.

The next round was held on 25 February, when the students also attended a ceremony at the Asamblea of Madrid. At the conference, they discussed topics such as the empowerment of women and ways to feed a growing global population while also dealing with the effects of climate change. They delivered inspiring speeches, debated with their peers, and wrote and presented their ideas on how to fix these problems. They again did an amazing job, and one pair, Martín Pozo and Lucía Ventura, even won an Honorable Mention award in their committee. We are so proud of all the students who participated!