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Invented in 1793, the cotton gin changed history for good and bad. By allowing one field hand to do the work of 10, it powered a new industry that brought wealth and power to the American South -- but, tragically, it also multiplied and prolonged the use of slave labor.


A. What do the following words mean?

die out





time consuming

Watch the video and complete the sentences.

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  1. A machine so efficient that it would free up people to do other things.
  2. It accomplished just the opposite.
  3. Slavery was a tragic American fact of life.
  4. This peculiar institution contradicted the ideals and principles for which they fought a revolution.
  5. In 1794, Whitney simply improved the existing gin and then patented his invention.
  6. Cotton production grew to 100.000 bales a year
  7. It exceeded the value of all other American products combined.
  8. But instead of reducing the need for labor, the cotton gin propelled it.
  9. History has proven that inventions can be double-edged swords.

Now answer the questions

  1. Why was the cotton gin an efficient machine?
  2. What does the cotton gin do?
  3. Why did Whitney move to South Carolina?
  4. How much cotton could a person clean by hand in a day?
  5. Did the cotton gin reduce the number of slaves?
  6. Why did Whitney make little money?
  7. Mention another invention that may have changed the world for worse.

Word formation

Find the nouns to the following verbs. 

  1. improve
  2. reduce
  3. destroy
  4. expand
  5. deliver
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