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Teatro en inglés

THURSDAY 26TH FEBRUARYchameleon logo
There will be two 30-minute shows:
May the Fourth be with You
All or Nothing
Session 1: 16:35
Session 2: 18:00

Show Summaries:

May the Fourth be with You: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight who has always defended the galaxy from danger. There is a dark evil in our midst that wants to destroy everything that is good. Obi-Wan trains Jedis to be prepared to fight using the ultimate weapon of the force, the light saber. But in the end it is Obi-Wan that must face his worst enemy, the Darth Lord. Must he kill this person who was once his friend? Or can he convert him to the good side of the force? The truth will be revealed in the show.

All or Nothing: Tony is a rapper who is preparing for the X factor contest. He is worried about the way he looks. Everything must be perfect, his clothes, his gold. He practices his song with the students and when he feels like he's ready he does the performance of a lifetime. With the right rhymes and the right beatbox anything is possible. He's feeling good, he's looking good but is it good enough to win the contest?