Blog del CP Seis de Diciembre (CP Seis de Diciembre) Blog del CP Seis de Diciembre (CP Seis de Diciembre)


2013 International Year of Water Cooperation

     This year, our school, the CEIP Seis de Diciembre, has been working on a project about the celebration of the International Year of the WATER Cooperation. The team of teachers who are participating in MCS Project have directed many of the activities with ICT through this topic.

    Our pupils from the classes of 2ºC, 3ºA y 3ºB are showing us their works in the following links:


  • The class of 2ºC have realized different comics through a collaborative work in teams of three pupils. The programs that have been used are PIXTON(not free) and TUX PAINT (free)
  • The classes of 3rd show us their works about the main fountains in Madrid, a Dictionary about water, stories, riddles and games. As same as their mates of 2nd, they have realized colaborative tasks in small goups.

       Children have used tablets PC with a scrolling screen and digital pens.

        The main characteristics of this works are:

  • Creatives: Pupils have created this works with their own imagination and creativity.
  • Meaningful: With curricular and meaningful contents and collaborative work
  • Secure: Children have used images with allowed permission from Educamadrid platform or their own pictures.


       All these works were shown at the Open evening in IES Puerta Bonita of Carabanchel. Our Spanish and Italian partners enjoyed the explanations from our pupils about their own activities.

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Gracias por toda esta información, es muy interesante.
Publicado el día 6/09/13 9:34.