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Logo Proyecto cofinanciado por la Unión Europea

Visor de la Biblioteca de Documentos Visor de la Biblioteca de Documentos


2013.06.11 Activity Report.english

2013.06.11 Activity Report.english

Vista en miniatura Subido por Ana Isabel Cortinas Gallego, 11/06/13 13:28
Promedio (0 Votos)
To tell the other partners and to archive all activities performed within the project, we have designed this sheet. No need to fill in all the sections every times, that depends on the type of activity. You can also add new sections if necessary. Each person can upload your folder or send them to be archived anywhere.
Etiquetas: modelo de ficha actividades organización
No hay ningún comentario aún. Sea usted el primero.

Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por Ana Isabel Cortinas Gallego
11/06/13 13:28
Estado: Aprobado
To tell the other partners and to archive all activities performed within the project, we have designed this sheet. No need to fill in all the sections every times, that depends on the type of activity. You can also add new sections if necessary. Each person can upload your folder or send them to be archived anywhere.
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Histórico de versiones
Versión Fecha Tamaño  
1.0 hace 11 Años 1,4MB