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Mobiles in the school

Mobiles in the school

Vista en miniatura Subido por Ana Díaz Cappa, 26/11/13 21:24
Promedio (0 Votos)
Using mobile phones for learning purposes will allow us to discover the following: how close and accessible mobiles are for young children, the advantages and disadvantages from daily use in the school of this type of technology, and social behaviors and habits associated with it.
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Versión 1.0

Modificado por última vez por Ana Díaz Cappa
26/11/13 21:24
Estado: Aprobado
Using mobile phones for learning purposes will allow us to discover the following: how close and accessible mobiles are for young children, the advantages and disadvantages from daily use in the school of this type of technology, and social behaviors and habits associated with it.
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Histórico de versiones
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1.0 hace 10 Años 1.017k