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Meeting in Madrid February 2013

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I want to express my personal satisfaction about the first meeting with our partners from Parma. It has been very enriched because this is a very collaborative learning. 

I would like to say thank you to everyone who have made this possible, to everyone who has arranged all the activities expending lot of time and efforts. I think the results have been fantastic.

We have to go on working on this way. Congratulations for everybody.


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Yo también estoy muy entusiamada con la visita, sobre todo por la participación tan esforzada y generosa de tantas personas. Cada uno tenemos nuestros puntos fuertes, que son además muy diversos, y cuando nos ponemos a colaborar se ve claramente cómo nos complementamos. Es lo bueno, donde uno no llega sí llega el otro. He estado disfrutando de esta sensación todos estos días.

I'm also very enthusiastic about the visit. I focus on hard and generous participation of so many people. Each one has his own strengths, very diverse. When we work together it's obvious how each one completes each other. I've been enjoiying that feeling during the last days.Thanks too, to our partners from Parma.They have shown kindness, good humor and professionalism.

Grazie Mille. Buon inizio!

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We can do great things together! I'm sure

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Thank you dear friends for the kindness you demonstrated us during our first visit in Madrid.

I didn't personally think to find collegues so prepared and motivated.

Thank also to parents who welcomed us in a particular way showing us their pride to be part of the project.

I really hope Italian parents will learn to be and act in the same way in a collabotative relationship with teachers and pupils.

A great hug to pupils....they were so funny and cheerful!!


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Thank you Rita.

It has been a pleasure to share this experience with you all.

And I have to say that our children are still asking for you so you can come back whenever you want...! They are really quite funny and enthusiastic.wink

I hope hearing from you soon.

Regards, Loli.

Gracias Rita.

Ha sido un placer compartir esta experiencia con todos vosotros.

Y tengo que decir que nuestros niños todavía están preguntando por vosotros así que podéis volver cuando queráis...Realmente son muy divertidos y entusiastas.

Espero tener noticias vuestras pronto.

Recuerdos, Loli.

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According to all, the visit has been helpful, fun and enjoyable.
Madrid is a good framework to accommodate these activities, we have won a part only with the city.
Now to focus our energies on the Open E. and a visit to Parma. Weeelll!!
A hug
De acuerdo con todos, ha sido provechoso, divertido y disfrutable.
Madrid es un buen marco para acoger estas actividades, solo con él ya tenemos ganada una parte:-).
Ahora a focalizar nuestras energías en la Open E. y en la visita a Parma.
Un abrazo.
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