The project The project
The project
A large amount of educators are enthusiastic about the opportunities that the social use of ICT in the current cultural scenario, provide to improve learning.
However, there is also a growing concern about how to achieve the desired outcomes, as alerts and fears about risks arisen among parents, teachers and schools.
MCS project aims at an innovative approach in order to promote a meaningful, creative and secure use of ICT for and through collaborative learning processes.
This European project will be mainly an occasion for educational community members to know about security and legal matters when collaborating, expressing, creating, communicating and using ICT and Internet.
Accordingly to our goals, we will implement an action-research methodology, which is considered the most appropriate approach to get all actors involved.
An educational network will be developed around MCS Project by exchanging and sharing experiences, documents and opinions between European educators. They will be encouraged to take part in the designing of a web site, printed publications, debates, a final conference, retransmissions, exhibitions of creative works.
This initiative should be a step forward in the challenge to the use of ICT for long term learning and social participation.