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James Joyce

James Joyce: life and work

Read this text and do a google search to complete the following table about James Joyce.

Why Dublin as a setting? 


Read this text taken from his work Ulysses and answer these questions:

  1. Some sentences describe the scene from the outside; others reproduce Bloom’s thoughts. Underline some of them with two different colours and identify the two levels of narration (external/internal) 
  2. Consider sentence structure. Look for sentences with unconventional use of rules. What level of narration do they belong to?

Mr Bloom stood far back, his hat in his hand, counting the bared heads. Twelve. I'm thirteen. No. The chap in the macintosh is thirteen. Death's number. Where the deuce did he pop out of? He wasn't in the chapel, that I'll swear. Silly superstition that about thirteen.

Nice soft tweed Ned Lambert has in that suit. Tinge of purple. I had one like that when we lived in Lombard street west. Dressy fellow he was once. Used to change three suits in the day. Must get that grey suit of mine turned by Mesias. Hello. It's dyed. His wife I forgot he's not married or his landlady ought to have picked out those threads for him.

The coffin dived out of sight, eased down by the men straddled on the gravetrestles. They struggled up and out: and all uncovered. Twenty.


If we were all suddenly somebody else.

Eveline by James Joyce

Read this short story by James Joyce called Eveline taken from book Dubliners. Be ready to participate in our class literary circle. As you read, annotate the short story focusing on: 

  • setting
  • characters development
  • narrative technique
  • use of epiphany and paralysis

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